Advocating Murphy’s Law

By Joshua Emil Lizardo

“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Sometimes it is even extended to, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong at the worst possible time.” These statements constitute the so-called Murphy’s Law. 

Who is Murphy, the namesake? There are various accounts in popular culture. 

This one is my favorite: Murphy or Sergeant Murphy was a combat infantryman. He was involved in numerous active combat operations and has “seen it all.” He has practical knowledge and experience of what works and what doesn’t—specifically, how things can go wrong at the very last minute, or during the most vital moments. Hence, he was known to say to young recruits in his squad, “What will go wrong will go wrong.” Variations of the quote have been made ever since. 

In my imagination, Murphy is “Reverend Father Murphy,” a Catholic priest who always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to pastoral assignments in his diocese. His assigned parish is always plagued with problems but, nevertheless, thanks to the Good Lord, he copes by saying, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong,” and presses on. All are done much to the chagrin and amazement of his parishioners and his parochial staff. 

Murphy’s Law seems to be pessimistic and defeatist. However, is there any consideration that such law can break  or make your character? The decision depends on you. For me, I advocate for the latter. The path of least resistance is chosen every time. Who won’t, right? Life is already hard. Why relish in more hardship? We don’t get to select which challenge or mission to take. They are simply dumped on us. Is there a way to mitigate this? One is preparation. If that is not possible, effort. 

In our line of work as future lawyers, what-ifs are always factored in. This idea was mentioned by James Donovan, a former insurance attorney. He was convinced to become the US government’s prisoner exchange negotiator during the Cold War. The pressure was  to bring home the captured American pilot who was shot over Soviet Russia. 

Numerous stories told and untold revolve around Murphy’s Law. It spans from overcoming and triumphing over Murphy’s Law to being overwhelmed and being defeated by Murphy’s Law. 

Regardless of perspective, the lessons learned and character it built cannot be discounted. We get beat so that we learn to be better next time—and when that time comes, as one meme puts it, “Advance ako mag-isip.”  We don’t fold and curse at our misfortune but to always choose to meet the unexpected challenge because we have mitigated it by preparation or by effort. 

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